Showing category "Built Environment Professionals" (Show all posts)

Key Factors to Consider When Hiring an Architect for Your Home Design

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, In : Built Environment Professionals 

Designing your dream home is an exciting process that requires the expertise and skills of a professional architect. An architect is not only responsible for creating a visually appealing and functional design but also for overseeing the entire construction process. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right architect who understands your vision and can bring it to life. In this article, we will discuss the key factors to consider when hiring an architect for your home design.


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Save Time and Money Using An Online Architect

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, In : Built Environment Professionals 

Thinking of designing your dream house? Using a virtual architect could save you thousands.

Getting an architect to design a house is expensive. Typically, architects charge a base fee plus a percentage of the overall cost of the building. So for instance, an architect may charge a base fee of R20 000 to draw up the plans, plus 7% of the cost of building the house (let's assume R1 million) which equals R70 000, meaning an overall fee of R90 000. For many cash-strapped South Africans, that is s...

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