Showing category "Disputes" (Show all posts)

When Things Turn Sour Part 4: Finding Resolution Through Litigation

Posted by Brian Mahachi on Thursday, August 15, 2024, In : Disputes 

                                           Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

When it comes to construction contracts, disputes are almost inevitable. However, if tensions are left to fester, conflict can escalate all the way to the courtroom. It should be noted that litigation as a means of resolving disputes is expensive, time-consuming and generally unsatisfactory. This is because contract disputes are often technical rather than legal in nature and the courts are ill-equipped to deal with th...

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When Things Turn Sour Part 3: Finding Resolution Through Arbitration

Posted by Admin on Thursday, August 8, 2024, In : Disputes 

When a conflict arises over a building contract, there are many routes to resolving the impasse. One of the most effective methods, and the means perhaps most favoured by users of the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) contract, is arbitration.


What does arbitration involve?

Arbitration is a process whereby the parties involved in a building contract agree to refer any present or future dispute to the judgment of a mutually agreed third party. This person, called an arbitrator, is usual...

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When Things Turn Sour Part 2: Finding Resolution Through Expert Determination

Posted by Admin on Monday, July 29, 2024, In : Disputes 

In our previous post, we explored resolving building contract disputes through mediation. This month, we'll focus on another effective method: expert determination. Although not explicitly mentioned in the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) agreements, expert determination offers many advantages and is often highly effective in resolving conflicts.

What is Expert Determination?

Expert determination is a conflict resolution process where an independent third party, acting as an expert rat...

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When Things Turn Sour Part 1: Finding Resolution Through Mediation

Posted by Admin on Saturday, July 20, 2024, In : Disputes 


When a dispute arises over a building contract, there are four courses of action that can be taken to have it resolved. These include mediation, independent expert determination, arbitration and litigation. The JBCC (Joint Building Contracts Committee) contracts are the most widely used in South Africa and they make provision for all four. This month we take a look at the one of the simplest options – mediation.


What does mediation involve?

Mediation is a...

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