Showing category "Health and Safety" (Show all posts)

The Importance of Health and Safety When Renovating or Building a Home

Posted by Admin on Friday, June 28, 2024, In : Health and Safety 

The recent George building collapse where 33 workers lost their lives has highlighted the importance of proper health and safety procedures on construction sites. Renovating or building a home is an exciting journey filled with anticipation of new spaces however, amidst the thrill of planning and designing, it's crucial to prioritise health and safety.


Construction projects, whether large or small, involve numerous risks that can impact workers...

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The Hidden Dangers of Engineered Stone in Your Kitchen Makeover

Posted by Admin on Saturday, November 25, 2023, In : Health and Safety 

As more homeowners seek to upgrade their kitchens, engineered stone countertops have become a popular choice for their sleek appearance and durability. However, what many people may not realize is that there are hidden dangers associated with these stylish surfaces. In this article, we will explore the composition and manufacturing process of engineered stone, discuss the health hazards and emissions associated with its use, and provide safe alternatives and recommendations for a healthier ki...

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